im-age ar´chae-ol´o-gy™, [im-ij] [ahr-kee-ol-uh-jee], n. 1. The systematic recovery by artistic methods of imagery within the ground of a painting. 2. A dig into the surface ground with the butt of a paintbrush to imprint an image. 3. The space between the figure and the ground from which emerges a skeletal impression of an image. 4. A constant searching for the middle ground through the application of paint and projected thought that culminated into a work of art.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Inner Core, 13" x 13", Oil on Canvas

This week I am back to work on my "earth objects" series. This is the inner core of a a large tree pod collected during a walk in the woods last week. I plan on painting it from all angles and the middle seemed the natural place to begin. The natural design is of interest to me. The inner core- like the inner mind-is complex with many twists and turns. I ponder these thoughts today as I am painting.


  1. Gorgeous. Thought provoking. Awe inspiring.
    Makes me feel like billion year old carbon, all over again. Oh, to be young...Ode, to the Young (at heart).

    I love this...one of your best, in a field of plenty.

    Art/full Lover

  2. Thank you for bringing so much happiness into my Inner Core...today and all/ways.
