im-age ar´chae-ol´o-gy™, [im-ij] [ahr-kee-ol-uh-jee], n. 1. The systematic recovery by artistic methods of imagery within the ground of a painting. 2. A dig into the surface ground with the butt of a paintbrush to imprint an image. 3. The space between the figure and the ground from which emerges a skeletal impression of an image. 4. A constant searching for the middle ground through the application of paint and projected thought that culminated into a work of art.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Acorn Homage, revisited and final coat

I worked back into this image yesterday to tone down the highlights and bring back some of the sepia tones.
It was good that I took earlier stage photos of this image because I was able to see that it read better when toned down. The final highlights are now flickering through the coat of warm orange brown than was added to tone them down. I am satisfied with this image and ready to show it to the world.
Yesterdays Studio Session
I am working the background into this image. The object seems to be taking on a life of its own. After placing a heavy coat of green mixed with purple I then wiped away with a sponge to reveal the light layer of green underneath. My sponge wipes were in the same direction of the pine pod and seemed to be going in an upward direction. The pod has an aura surrounding it and is taking on a life of its own.

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